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What is Virginia's Burn Law and When Does it Take Effect?

We pledge to provide straight talk from our NNINS Virginia insurance experts. Read the Northern Neck Insurance Integrity Promise.

Virginia's 4 PM Burn Law runs from February 15th through April 30th. Burning conditions become highly conducive to fire spread this time of year due to lower humidity, dry and dormant vegetation, and erratic and increased winds. The law restricts burning before 4:00 PM if the fire is in or within 300 feet of woodland, brush, or fields containing dry grass or other flammable materials.

The following video explains this important law and how you can abide by it to prevent the spread of dangerous wildfires during the spring wildland fire season and keep your home and Virginia community safe. Check it out:


Our video says parts of Virginia are currently experiencing drought conditions. Those conditions vary throughout the state and change rapidly.  Learn more about the intensity of drought in your area and keep those conditions in mind when burning on your property throughout the year. 

Does home insurance cover wildfire damage?

Home insurance can cover the damage to your home and your belongings, including smoke damage. Homeowners insurance can also reimburse you for any additional living expenses incurred if your home is unlivable, such as a hotel room or meals out. The amount of your insurance payout is determined by the terms and limits of your policy so it's important to be sure you have the right amount of coverage. Speak to your local insurance expert to select the right insurance for your situation. 

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