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What is Comprehensive Car Insurance?

Written by Nancy B | Jul 18, 2024 4:58:00 PM

We pledge to provide straight talk from our NNINS Virginia insurance experts. Read the Northern Neck Insurance INTEGRITY PROMISE.

Car insurance can be confusing. When shopping for coverage, there are several different types available. Understanding what each one covers can help you save money and give you peace of mind. Lisa, from the marketing team here at NNINS, has a simple explanation about comprehensive coverage.



What does comprehensive car insurance cover?

In Virginia, you are now required to have certain types of car insurance. Comprehensive car insurance is an optional type of auto insurance that helps pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it's damaged by something other than a collision. 

Comprehensive car insurance can cover the following:

What's not covered by comprehensive car insurance?

Comprehensive car insurance does not cover damage caused by a collision. For example, your collision coverage can pay for associated repairs if you hit a tree. However, a comprehensive policy can provide coverage if a tree falls on your parked car. Damages to the other vehicle caused by a collision can be covered under the liability car insurance coverage on your policy, which is required in Virginia. 

More examples of damages not covered by comprehensive car insurance include:

  • Damages to another vehicle
  • Medical expenses for you, another driver, or passengers
  • Legal expenses that result from an accident
  • Personal property stolen from your vehicle

Is comprehensive car insurance worth it?

Depending on your car's value, comprehensive car insurance can protect you and save you money if the annual premium costs less than the expense to repair or replace damaged parts when something happens that's covered by this "other than collision" coverage. Since none of us have a crystal ball, consider how much you are able to cover unexpected repairs from the damages covered by comprehensive coverage, along with the age of your car. If you still owe money or lease your car, this type of coverage can help you protect your investment if it's stolen or totaled and is usually required by the lender or car dealership. Comprehensive coverage does have deductibles, but it can help cover your remaining loan balance after a total loss or theft. Gap insurance can also assist you in this scenario.


Learn more about car insurance in Virginia

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