Tornado Season Safety for Virginia Families

Be ready for a tornado during severe weather season
Virginia's tornado season runs March through May, but severe weather, including damaging winds and tornadoes, can occur anytime during spring and warmer weather months. Protect your home by checking your trees regularly and keep those, especially closest to home, healthy and trimmed. When severe weather is in the forecast, bring in loose items from your driveway, yard, patio and deck, including trash cans, toys, and planters. Also secure outdoor grills and furniture. Park your car in a garage or away from large trees.
When severe weather is on your doorstep, your family's safety is most important! Make sure you have a good plan in place when a tornado warning is issued. Check out our Severe Weather Survival Guide .Here's more information:
We hope you stay safe and don't experience damage to your home from severe weather this spring and summer, but if you do, we right here and ready to help. If you have questions you can check our our severe weather FAQs call your independent agent or give us a call. If it's after hours, you can also call our Claims Hotline at 1-877-968-7252 or report a claim online. We'll help you get you back on your feet.
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