I still remember the day my car broke down as a young mom, with my three children in the back. It was one of those typical hot-n-steamy Virginia summer days. Trucks and cars were whizzing frightfully close to my minivan on the side of a busy 4-lane road. Fluid spewed from the engine, and I remember thinking- this is bad. There was no driving to a gas station or calling for help (before everyone carried cell phones- yes, there was a time). Questions raced through my mind: how can I get help safely? Should we stay in the car? How long will it take for help to arrive? It was nerve-wracking.
Our car insurance experts know traveling moms break down every day. So, I decided to find the smartest and safest roadside practices. Who better to ask than folks with decades of experience in roadside troubles? Here’s what I wish I had known that day:
Take a deep breath. If you’re calm, you’ll make better decisions, model great problem-solving to your kids, and diffuse any fears they may have!
The best place is a well-populated and well-lit one. Turn on your hazard lights and headlights—your goal is to make yourself as visible as possible. Note your location with cross streets, landmarks, mile markers, or exit numbers if you’re on a highway. Send your location to a friend or family member.
Pull over as far as possible if you can't get off the road. This is key to your family's safety. You want to get your car as far away from moving traffic as possible. There’s a very real danger of getting hit by other drivers. Use soft shoulders or level ground and turn your wheels to the right. On roads with little or no shoulder, use side streets, parking lots, and driveways in rural areas.
Even after you’ve pulled over, everyone should keep their seat belts on and keep your youngest children in their car seats! They'll come to good use if you are super prepared and have an emergency car kit with flares and/or reflective triangles. If it's safe, put them out to alert other drivers. Then get back in and put your seatbelt back on.
There’s no one right answer here. Exercise caution and follow your mom's intuition. Our experts say it’s usually safer to stay in the car, especially with young children. Trying to keep it together on the side of a busy road with four children under the age of 6 or one really rambunctious 2-year-old is dangerous. The weather may be very hot or frigid cold, as it was in my case. Another person may have stopped, leaving you feeling uneasy.
If you’re well off the road, stay put, lock the doors, and, above all, be sure that everyone stays in their seat belts at all times until help arrives. It may be safer to leave your car if you cannot move it completely off the road. In that case, do two things:
If you're on a major Virginia interstate, dial 911 to get help from the VA State Police and VDOT’s 511 emergency roadside assistance team. Tell the dispatchers you have young children with you and if you are in a remote area or feel unsafe.
Now you wait. Belting you and your kids in is the safest thing you can do for them. This is when you should have that emergency car kit, including extra water bottles, blankets for warmth, your kids’ favorite snacks, and even a fun, distracting game to play.
Avoid leaving your car running for extended periods of time to heat or cool it. You risk exposing your kids and yourself to carbon monoxide poisoning, especially if there's deep snow on the ground.
If someone stops and offers help, don’t open or roll down your windows. If you feel threatened or harassed, dial 911, honk your horn, and flash your headlights to attract attention.
Keep your car gassed up and your cell phone charged while on the road. Also, keeping up with your car’s maintenance can thwart many mechanical problems. If you still fall on the side of bad luck (or the side of the road), remember our smart tips, and you'll be the expert at keeping your kids safe and sound.