How to Review Your Home and Car Insurance

Life in Virginia is full of changes, and these changes can significantly affect you and your family. Major events like hurricanes, car accidents, and tornadoes can occur. Having home and car insurance can offer protection when things go awry.
Reviewing your insurance is a smart way to determine if you're underinsured or possibly save some money. The main goal is to ensure you're safeguarded against substantial financial loss. Consider the questions below, contact your local agent, and achieve peace of mind!
Review questions to update your home or car insurance coverage
Consider these questions:
- Have you purchased or inherited any art, jewelry, or other highly valuable items in your home?
- Did you start a new side hustle or business in your home?
- Do I need the added protection of an extra coverage?
- Did you get a new roof or does yours need to be replaced?
- Do you have a home inventory?
- Have you added to your home or had a renovation that added value to your home?
- Are there any new discounts that may apply to you?
- What exactly is covered by your home insurance and what's not covered?
- What are the risks for your area of Virginia ?
- Do you need personal umbrella insurance?
- Would you benefit from cyber coverage?
- Is your home covered for earthquakes?
- Should you consider flood insurance for your home if you don't already have it?
- Is your car covered for things like tree damage or animal collisions?
On the lighter side, when life happens, sometimes it's cathartic to just have a good laugh. In that spirit:

Learn more about Virginia Home Insurance
THE NORTHERN NECK INSURANCE INTEGRITY PROMISE — We pledge to provide straight talk and good counsel from our NNINS Virginia insurance experts through our blog. While we hope you find this to be a helpful source of information, it does not replace the guidance of a licensed insurance professional, nor does it modify the terms of your Northern Neck Insurance policy in any way. All insurance products are governed by the terms in the applicable insurance policy.