Skimming devices capture data from your bank or credit card when you use them, especially at out-of-the-way ATMs, gas pumps, and self-checkout machines, where a scammer can install the skimming device without being seen. It's a small device that attaches to a card reader allowing a thief to illegally collect the card information of unknowing payers. Machines are altered slightly, but often not enough to alert the average consumer. Fairfax County police found 21 skimmers at 15 different gas stations across the county over the past year. This crime has been on the rise in throughout Virginia in recent months leaving community members wondering how to avoid becoming a victim.
Immediately contact the bank or credit card company to report the fraud. There are liability time limits (typically debit cards- 2 days, credit cards- 60 days from receiving a statement). If you wait longer, your liability could increase. Also:
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