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How to Make a Family Plan For a Virginia Hurricane

We pledge to provide straight talk from our NNINS Virginia insurance experts. Read the Northern Neck Insurance Integrity Promise.

In 2018, Property Casualty 360 named Virginia as a top 10 state most at risk for hurricane surge damage. They suggest 409,129 VA homes are at risk, with an estimated $1.6 trillion in potential construction costs along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts in any hurricane season. Here at NNINS, protecting homes and property is in our DNA. We know the major risks of storm damage to your home, like property flooding and damage from downed trees. We have hurricane home and car FAQs for that!

But more than that, we're committed to protecting and preserving what you value most. While it's important to prepare your home, we know your family comes first, just like ours. Next to making a good emergency kit, check out our Hurricane Guide for Virginians. But first, let's prepare our families with a good communication plan.


THE NORTHERN NECK INSURANCE INTEGRITY PROMISE — We pledge to provide straight talk and good counsel from our NNINS Virginia insurance experts through our blog. While we hope you find this to be a helpful source of information, it does not replace the guidance of a licensed insurance professional, nor does it modify the terms of your Northern Neck Insurance policy in any way. All insurance products are governed by the terms in the applicable insurance policy.



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