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Basic Home Maintenance for Virginia

Who doesn’t love fall in Virginia? The kiddos are back to school, pumpkins don our front porches and the weather is changing the foliage from green to gorgeous. It’s also a busy time of year for families and our homes need attention before colder weather arrives, like those fireplaces and wood stoves. Everyone wants a warm and safe nest with good air quality to hunker down in for winter. 

Here at Northern Neck Insurance, we take seasonal maintenance seriously because we know all too well what happens if when homes are neglected. We only provide home insurance and car insurance to families in Virginia, tens of thousands of them, so we see precisely what commonly goes wrong. We also get that home maintenance isn’t exactly everyone’s thing! We want to help.

We want to show you SIMPLE ways to protect and preserve your home and family.

So we’ve set out to share the most important things you can do now and throughout the year.  Don’t worry. We’re not looking to fill up to your to-do list! Instead, we’re going to focus on a handful of the most important things you can do spring, summer, fall, and winter to keep your home safe and sound. 

Before we start, it's important to introduce you to the two major culprits.  The "destructive duo" to  Virginia homes are WIND and WATER, so your roof and gutters need to be ready for every season, but especially fall. It’s no coincidence that peak Atlantic hurricane season runs September through the end of November.


Atlantic Basin Hurricane

Come winter, you want to prepare for frozen pipes and ice dams on your gutters. Spring can bring some wild weather to Virginia these days. Wind has nudged ahead as the most common cause of weather-related damage to homes, especially from trees. Who had ever heard of a severe weather event called a derecho in Virginia before a few years ago? Its partner in crime, water, holds a close second place for causing costly problems, especially flooding. More to come!

Simple advice, less time, with insights from our team of experts! That’s our commitment to you. That way, your family can all get out there and enjoy Virginia's fall festivities.


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