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5 Things You Should Always Have Car's Glovebox

Written by Nancy B | Jun 3, 2024 5:00:00 AM

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While there are a few good places to keep essential things in your car- your bag, the console, the door side pockets, a car's glovebox is ideal for securing the most important documentation like your registration and car insurance information. If you have a car accident or get pulled over by law enforcement, you'll need your driver's license and some of these documents. 

But what else do you need? The unexpected happens and we all want to be prepared and drive safely.  Have a first aid kit and other roadside essentials for things like putting air in your tires. Then add these five additional items to your glovebox. 

5 Things to keep in your car's glovebox  

1. Insurance ID cards

Digital insurance ID cards on a smartphone is very convenient. Virginia legally permits drivers to show an electronic copy of their car insurance card on a mobile device during a traffic stop or after an accident as proof of insurance. You can log into your NNINS member account to access your insurance ID card, print a copy, or request to have one mailed to you. It's a good idea to have a backup paper copy in your glovebox in case your phone can't receive a signal or is out of charge. 

2. Service records

If you don't track car maintenance in an app, a small, simple notebook with dates documenting oil changes, filters, tire rotation, and brake pad replacement is a convenient way to track the most important car maintenance. You can also track gas mileage (date, gallons, odometer reading) and service dates, so you don't have a bunch of paperwork stuffed in the glove box. Being organized will also give you a quick reference when you're already in the repair shop for your Virginia Safety Inspection and want to coordinate needed service. 

2. An extra cell phone charger

Our phones are valuable lifelines in an emergency. You never know when your primary phone charger might fail so it's wise to have a backup. Just remember, charging your phone can drain your car battery when the car is off for a long time. As long as your vehicle is moving or on idle, your engine should be turning the alternator and creating enough power.

3. Your car owner's manual

Car manuals can have some excellent quick guides and references for inconvenient problems with your car. Let's face it; it's never really convenient. You can search online, but your car's manual is precise to your car, convenient, and easy to read. 

4. Medical information

If you are hurt or unable to speak for yourself, having this type of information could save your life. Having a proper in case of emergency card (ICE card ) would include emergency contacts, medical conditions, allergies, and medications to help first responders and medical professionals in case of an emergency. Keep the information visible at the top of your glovebox. 

5. A paper map

Don't overlook the usefulness of a paper map! Have you ever experienced a lost cell signal or a drained battery? A physical map can be incredibly useful, particularly when you're in an unfamiliar location. They also offer a more comprehensive, detailed overview of the area. Digital maps often depend on satellite images that are not always precise, which can lead to ineffective GPS navigation or incorrect routing. Having a back-up is peace of mind.


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